A classical example of a nonlinear oscillator. As r increases, the timbre becomes progressively richer, but the period increases, making the synth out of tune.
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input.r = 0.1; // min=-0, max=5, step=0.01 const vanDerPol = synth.def( class { constructor(options) { this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.a0 = 2 * Math.PI * midi_to_hz(options.note) * ditty.dt; } process(note,env,tick,options) { this.x += this.a0 * this.y + 1e-6*Math.random(); this.y += this.a0 * (-input.r * (this.x*this.x - 1)*this.y - this.x); return this.x; } }, {env:one, amp:0.15}); vanDerPol.play(c3); vanDerPol.play(c4); vanDerPol.play(e4); vanDerPol.play(g4);