A run of rich, lush pad chords with a dreamy, eerie atmosphere. Also added a few droplets.
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function varsaw(p, formant) { let x = p%1; return (x - 0.5) * clamp01(formant*x*(1-x)); } // If you want to play many notes at the same time with the same timbre, // the best option is to use a single synth managing all notes at the same time. // This avoids the overhead of individual synth management by the API. const lushPad = synth.def((phase, env, tick, options) => { let notes = options.notes; let relfreqs = notes.map( (nn) => 2**((nn-options.note)/12) * options.detune); let phases = relfreqs.map((rf) => phase * rf); let vols = relfreqs.map( (rf) => 1/Math.sqrt(rf)); let pans = relfreqs.map( (rf,i) => Math.sin(i + tick*Math.sqrt(6*rf)) ); let vib = relfreqs.map( (rf,i) => 1 + 0.3*Math.cos(i + 12*tick*Math.sqrt(rf)) ); let osc = phases.map( (p,i) => varsaw(p,30*env.value * vols[i] * vib[i]) * vols[i] * 0.1 * env.value); let osc2 = osc.map( (sig,i) => [sig * (1 - pans[i]), sig * (1 + pans[i])] ); let sig = osc2.reduce( (a,b) => [a[0]+b[0],a[1]+b[1]], [0,0]); return sig; }, {detune:1, notes:[]}); ditty.bpm = 60; const mychords = [[c2,c3,g3,b3,d4,e4,a4], [f2,c3,f3,g3,a3,d4,e4,b4], [e2,e3,a3,b3,c4,d4,g4], [f2,c3,f3,b3,c4,d4,e4,a4], [bb1,bb2,f3,a3,bb3,d4,f4,e5], [ab1,ab2,eb3,ab3,c4,eb4,g4,d5], [g2,f3,g3,a3,b3,c3,d4,e4]]; loop((i) => { lushPad.play(c4, {notes:mychords.ring(i), attack:5, decay:5, sustain:0.7, duration:10, release:3, detune:1}); sleep(10); }, {name:"🤖"}); loop((i) => { sleep(1); lushPad.play(c4, {notes:mychords.ring(i), attack:5, decay:5, sustain:0.7, duration:10, release:3, amp:0.8, detune:1.01}); sleep(9); }, {name:"🤖🤖"}); loop((i) => { if(i == 0) { sleep(3); } let octave = 12 * Math.floor(Math.random() * 3); sine.play(mychords.ring(Math.floor(i/33)).choose() + octave, {amp:0.1,attack:0.01, decay:0.5,sustain:0.5,duration:0.5,release:1, pan:Math.random()*2-1}); sleep(Math.random()*0.5 + 0.05); // 0.3s on average, may drift after a few loops }, {name:"✨"});