The Lovely People

In history's page, let every stage

Advance Nourie Fair.

You are my hope.

To thee our Nourie ,

Heaven of the free,

We sing our love to thee,


Our own fair islands of liberty.

Let one and all arise

With hearts both strong and true

Service be our earnest endeavour

And our homeland of Nourie

Heritage of splendour

Firm may we stand to defend

Victory or death, but dignity.

A land resplendent with brilliant suns,

Becoming another sky or almost a sky.

Flourish forever with learning and creativity,

May your glory shine as long as the world exists!
Their sovereignty has always long endures.

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// You can find the Dittytoy API Reference here:
// Example ditties can be found here:
// Most of your ditty will run 44100 times per second using javascript in the browser.
// Make sure you optimize your ditty to work well on as many devices as possible. To do that, try to limit
// the number of simultaneously active synths: make sure they don't last longer than necessary, or you can
// hear them, and spread them over different loops (each loop runs in a separate worker).

ditty.bpm = 120;

loop( () => {

    for (let i=0; i<4; i++) {, { attack: 0.01, release: 0.25,  duration: 0.125, pan: Math.random() * 2 - 1, amp: 1.0 });
        sleep( 0.25 );
    }, { attack: 0.01, release: 0.25,  duration: 0.25 }); // attack and release in seconds, duration in ticks
    sleep(0.5); // sleep in ticks, { attack: 0.01, release: 0.75,  duration: 0.25 });

}, { name: 'my first loop' });