Dittytoy allows you to log values to the console at the left of your screen. You can also log values to probes.
#dittytoy #tutorial
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// #11 Debug your Ditty. DittyToy 2022. // The MIT License. // // https://dittytoy.net/ditty/6bd9bbe6d8 // // Debugging your ditty while it runs 44100 times per second can be pretty hard. Unfortunately, you can't set breakpoints, // and writing values to the default console.log at this rate will most likely crash your browser. // // However, Dittytoy allows you to log values to the console at the left of your screen. You can also log values to probes. // // https://dittytoy.net/syntax#built-in // input.pan = 0; //min=-1, max=1, step=0.001 input.note = 60; // min=0, max=120, step=0.001 input.envAttack = 0.1; // min=0, max=0.2, step=0.001 input.envDecay = 0.2; // min=0, max=2, step=0.001 input.envDuration = 1.0; // min=0, max=2, step=0.001 input.envSustain = 0.5; // min=0, max=1, step=0.001 input.envRelease = 0.5; // min=0, max=2, step=0.001 input.envCurve = -2; // min=-9, max=9, step=0.1 const osc = synth.def( class { constructor(options) { this.phase = 0; } process(note, env, tick, options) { // debug log functionality. The log appears in the console at the left of your ditty. You can use: // // debug.log( label, value) // debug.warn( label, value) // debug.error( label, value) debug.log('note', note); this.phase += midi_to_hz(note) * ditty.dt; const waveform = Math.sin(this.phase * Math.PI * 2); // debug probes (Safari not supported!). For each label an oscilloscope will appear left of your ditty. // // debug.probe( label, value, amp (optional), duration (horizontal resolution in seconds, optional) ); // // a probe expects one value per sample (more will be ignored, less will pause the probe) // debug.probe('waveform', waveform, 1, 5 / midi_to_hz(note)); debug.probe('envelope', env.value, 1, tick_to_second(env.duration) ); return waveform * env.value; } }, {} ); // signalProbe - by athibaul const signalProbe = filter.def( class { process(input) { debug.probe('signal', input[0]+input[1], 2, 1); return input; } }); loop( (i) => { debug.warn('loop', i); osc.play( () => input.note, { attack: input.envAttack, decay: input.envDecay, sustain: input.envSustain, duration: input.envDuration, release: input.envRelease, curve: input.envCurve, env: adsr, pan: () => input.pan }); sleep( Math.max(second_to_tick(input.envAttack + input.envDecay), input.envDuration) + second_to_tick(input.envRelease)); }, { name: 'ADSR envelope' }).connect( signalProbe.create() );