Simple lowpass filter

Just playing with filters

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// Here are some thoughts I have right now regarding DittyToy:
// - I find that debugging can be quite difficult, because there are many cases in which
//   no audio is produced, but no error is shown, e.g. incorrect option name, uninitialized member variable.
// - In particular, the error when the filter returns a single value rather than two is quite cryptic:
//      Worker error: this._gen(...) is not iterable
// - The strict CPU limitations are frustrating, is there room for optimization?
// - Ctrl+Enter compiles and runs, but is there a shortcut to pause the synth?
// - I don't like the code completion tool, which suggests inappropriate completions most of the time,
//   and gets in my way during coding.
// - Sometimes the code compiles but the synths don't start...?
// - Is it possible to create envs manually, to use in the synth definition and/or in the loop()s?

input.cutoff = 0.5; // min=0, max=1, step=0.001

const saw = synth.def( (phase, env) => (phase%1-0.5) * env.value);
const linexp = (x,x0,x1,y0,y1) => y0 * (y1/y0) ** ((x-x0)/(x1-x0));

// Second order lowpass filter without resonance (mono)
const lpf = filter.def(class {
    constructor(options) {
        this.s0 = 0;
        this.s1 = 0;
    process(input, options) {
        this.a0 = clamp01(2*Math.PI * ditty.dt * options.cutoff);
        this.s0 += this.a0 * (input[0] - this.s0);
        this.s1 += this.a0 * (this.s0 - this.s1);
        //return this.s1; // Uncomment this line to get a cryptic error message
        return [this.s1, this.s1];
}, {cutoff: 5000});

loop(() => {;
}, {name:"saw"})
.connect( lpf.create({cutoff: () => linexp(input.cutoff,0,1,20,20000)}) );