Simplified clarinet

Using DWG synthesis. Note how this synthesis technique is able to capture variations of timbre due to nuance, even though the model is very simple.

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// A very simplified "clarinet" physical model,
// consisting in:
// delay line, lowpass filter, 
// first-order allpass interpolation as proposed here
// and finally a nonlinear "logistic map" function from which the resonance emerges.

// Similar to what is proposed in
// but even simpler.

input.nuance = 0.25; // min=0, max=1, step=0.01

const clarinet = synth.def( class {
    constructor(options) {
        let freq = midi_to_hz(options.note);
        let dly = 1 / (2*freq*ditty.dt); // duration of half a period in samples
        let cutoff = options.cutoff;
        this.a0 = clamp01(2*Math.PI*cutoff*ditty.dt);
        let dly_lp = (1 - this.a0) / this.a0; // Delay induced by the lowpass filter
        let dly_ap = (dly - dly_lp - 0.1) % 1 + 0.1; // Delay of the allpass filter
        let dly_M  = Math.round(dly - dly_lp - dly_ap); // Samples in the delay line
        this.dl_s = new Float32Array(dly_M);
        this.dl_pos = 0;
        this.dl_M = dly_M;
        this.eta = (1 - dly_ap) / (1 + dly_ap); // Coefficient of the allpass filter
        // Initialize values to the steady state to avoid ugly transients / clicks
        //  See
        let gamma = 2; // Initial value
        let v0 = (gamma-1)/gamma;
        for(let i=0; i<this.dl_M; i++) { this.dl_s[i] = v0; }
        this.ap_ynm1 = v0;
        this.ap_xnm1 = v0;
        this.lp_znm1 = v0;
        // Compensate the gain of the lowpass filter depending on the note played, so that nuance is homogeneous
        let lp_gain = 1 / Math.sqrt(1 + (0.5*freq/cutoff)**2);
        this.lp_gain_compensation = 1/lp_gain;
    process(note, env, tick, options) {
        let gamma = 2 + (1 + 0.449*options.nuance*(1+options.vibAmt*Math.sin(options.vibHz*6.28*tick))) * env.value;
        let xn = this.dl_s[this.dl_pos];
        // Apply allpass filter (fractional delay)
        let yn = this.eta * (xn - this.ap_ynm1) + this.ap_xnm1;
        this.ap_xnm1 = xn; this.ap_ynm1 = yn;
        let noise = 0.001 * (Math.random() - 0.5) * env.value;
        // Apply lowpass filter
        let zn = this.lp_znm1 + this.a0 * (yn - this.lp_znm1 + noise);
        let hp = yn - zn; // Also gather hipass signal
        //let zn = this.lp_znm1 + this.a0 * (yn - this.lp_znm1); // DEBUG bypassing allpass
        this.lp_znm1 = zn;
        // Apply nonlinearity
        let wn = gamma * zn * (1-zn); // logistic map
        wn *= this.lp_gain_compensation;
        wn = Math.max(wn, 0);
        // Feed back into delay line
        this.dl_s[this.dl_pos] = wn;
        if(this.dl_pos >= this.dl_M) {
            this.dl_pos -= this.dl_M;
        // Return the high-passed signal
        return hp * env.value;
}, {env: adsr, attack:0.06, decay: 0.1, sustain:0.98, release: 0.2, duration: 1, cutoff:1700, nuance:() => input.nuance,
    vibAmt: 0.1, vibHz: 5

ditty.bpm = 60;

loop( (i) => {, {env:adsr, duration: 5, cutoff:1500, pan:0.3, vibHz: 3});, {env:adsr, duration: 5, cutoff:1500, pan:-0.6, vibHz: 3.62});, {env:adsr, duration: 5, pan:0.6, vibHz: 4.2});, {env:adsr, duration: 5, pan:-0.3, vibHz: 4.7});
}, {name: "ensemble", amp:1.5});

loop( (i) => {
    const nn = [d4, fs4, a4, b4, fs5, a5, d5, cs5, b4, a4, fs4, e4];
    let nuance = input.nuance;// + 0.07*Math.random();, {release:0.5, vibAmt:(tick) => 0.3*clamp01(2*tick-0.3), vibHz: 3+Math.random()*2,
                  nuance:nuance, cutoff:2000});
}, {name:"solo clarinet", amp:5});

// Nuance test
loop( (i) => {
    const nn = [d4, fs4, a4, b4, fs5, a5, d5, cs5, b4, a4, fs4, e4];, {env:one, duration:10, nuance:(tick) => tick/10});

loop( (i) => {
    // Adapted from Brahms - Clarinet Sonata No. 2 in Eb Major Op. 120
    const nn =  [eb5, d5, f5, eb5, g4, c5, ab4, d4,   0, c4, eb4, bb3, bb4,   0,  d4, f4, c4, c5, 0,    f4, ab5, g5, e5, f5, g4, ab4, eb5, d5, b4, c5, e4, f4, eb4, d4, eb4,0];
    const bps = 1.8; // beats per second - I don't like that changing ditty.bpm changes the envelope durations
    const dur = [1.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5, 2.0, 1.3,0.2,0.5, 1.5, 0.5, 1.2, 0.3, 0.5,1.5,0.5,1.3, 0.2, 0.5, 1.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,1.5, 0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0];
    const nu  = [.01,.15,0.1, .15,.12,.13,  .1, .2,  .01,.15,.05,0.15, .25, 0.05, .2,.1, .3, .4, 0.4, 0.4,0.08,.2,0.1,.12, .1, .2,  .1, .25, .1, .2, .15, .25, .15,.07,.05,.12]
    let dur_i = dur.ring(i) / bps;
    if(nn.ring(i)) {, {duration:dur_i, attack:0.02, sustain:1, release:0.8, 
                        nuance: (tick) => lerp(nu.ring(i), nu.ring(i+1), tick/dur_i)});
}, {amp:5});