I experimented a bit more with artificial snare drums, partly inspired by athibaul's "Making music in shadertoy" series.
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const TAU = Math.PI * 2; const sin = Math.sin; ditty.bpm = 120; input.note = 35; // min=1, max=50, step=0.5 input.wide = 0; // min=0, max=1, step=1 const Snare = synth.def(class { constructor(options) { this.t = 0; Math.random(); } fm(fc, fm, iom, t) { return sin(fc*TAU*t + iom*sin(fm*TAU*t)); } snare(f, t) { let sig = 0; // click sig += this.fm(f*10, 0, 0, t) * 0.05 * Math.exp(-400*t); // body const df = -f*1.5 * t; const fb = f+df; sig += this.fm(fb, fb*3, 2.5, t) * 0.3 * Math.exp(-60*t); // noise sig += Math.random(1) * 0.4 * Math.exp(-22*t); return sig; } process(note, env, tick, options) { const f = midi_to_hz(input.note); this.t += ditty.dt; let l,r = 0; if (input.wide) { l = this.snare(f, this.t*1.01); r = this.snare(f, this.t*0.99); } else { l = this.snare(f, this.t); r = l; } //sig += this.snare(f, this.t); return [l,r]; } }); loop( () => { Snare.play(); sleep(2); }, { name: 'Snare' });