Organ Pipe Trendline Synthesis

Trendline Synthesis simplifies the process of creating custom harmonic spectra for musical instruments. With just four parameters per prototype spectrum, this tool invented by Colin Pykett generates convincing pipe organ timbres in no time.
Feel free to fork this ditty and create your own organ sounds.

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// by athibaul, 2023/05/15

// See Colin Pykett's article on Trendline Synthesis:
// "Trendline synthesis" is an additive synthesis technique for the sound of organ pipes
// based on a small number of parameters describing the spectrum of the sound.
// The sound spectrum is assumed to be a series of harmonic pitches, whose amplitudes
// are described using piecewise linear functions in dB/octave, with a break point at
// a given harmonic number.
// The even-numbered harmonics can be boosted or suppressed independently.
// bp: harmonic number of the breakpoint
// s1: slope of group 1 trendline, in dB/octave
// s2: slope of group 2 trendline, in dB/octave
// dl: difference between odd and even pitches, in dB. Use negative numbers to suppress even harmonics.

input.instrument = 6; // min=0, max=6, step=1 (Diapason, Strings, Flute, Stopped Flute, Trumpet, Clarinet, Diapason II)

// Play using the "Pykett 2019" temperament
//const temperament_shift = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
const temperament_shift = [3.11,0.19,0,0.17,0,2.13,0.6,0,0.2,0,1.19,.98];
//const temperament_shift = [0,-24,-7,-31,-14,3,-21,-3,-27,-10,7,-17]; // 1/4 comma meantone
const my_midi_to_hz = (nn) => midi_to_hz(nn + temperament_shift[nn%12]/100) * (415/440);

const diapason = {nn: c4, bp:1, s1: -16, s2: -16, dl: 0};
const strings = {nn: c4, bp:4, s1: 3, s2: -20, dl: 0};
const flute = {nn: c4, bp:4, s1:-25, s2:-30, dl:-6};
const stoppedFlute = {nn: c4, bp: 1, s1:-18, s2:-18, dl:-20};
const trumpet = {nn: c4, bp: 7, s1: -3, s2: -22, dl: 0};
const clarinet = {nn: c4, bp: 6, s1: -6, s2:-30, dl:-15};

// Scaling of a synthetic organ stop
const diapason8Foot = [
    {nn:c2, bp:2, s1:15, s2:-20, dl:0},
    {nn:c3, bp:4, s1:-10, s2:-24, dl:0},
    {nn:c4, bp:4, s1:-7, s2:-24, dl:0},
    {nn:c5, bp:2, s1:-5, s2:-24, dl:0},
    {nn:c6, bp:2, s1:0, s2:-30, dl:0},

const instruments = [[diapason], [strings], [flute], [stoppedFlute], [trumpet], [clarinet], diapason8Foot];

function instr_to_params(instr, nn) {
    // Convert a scaling to a set of parameters for a given note number
    // Assumes the set of pitches is sorted!
    let N = instr.length;
    // If too low, return the params of the lowest note
    if(nn <= instr[0].nn) {
        return instr[0];
    // If too high, return the params of the highest note
    if(nn >= instr[N-1].nn) {
        return instr[N-1];
    // Otherwise, find the corresponding note and interpolate
    let k = 0;
    while(nn > instr[k+1].nn) {
        debug.log("k", k);
    //let t = (nn - instr[k].nn) / (instr[k+1].nn - instr[k].nn);
    return {bp:instr[k].bp, // Math.round(lerp(instr[k].bp, instr[k+1].bp, t))
            s1:instr[k].s1, //lerp(instr[k].s1, instr[k+1].s1, t),
            s2:instr[k].s2, //lerp(instr[k].s2, instr[k+1].s2, t),
            dl:instr[k].dl, //lerp(instr[k].dl, instr[k+1].dl, t),
    let t = (nn - instr[k].nn) / (instr[k+1].nn - instr[k].nn);
    return {bp:Math.round(lerp(instr[k].bp, instr[k+1].bp, t)),
            s1:lerp(instr[k].s1, instr[k+1].s1, t),
            s2:lerp(instr[k].s2, instr[k+1].s2, t),
            dl:lerp(instr[k].dl, instr[k+1].dl, t),

function amplitudes(params, nharm) {
    let amps = new Float32Array(nharm);
    amps[0] = 0;
    amps[1] = 1;
    let s1_exponent = params.s1 * 0.166096404744; // s1 * log(10) / (20 * log(2))
    let s2_exponent = params.s2 * 0.166096404744; // s2 * log(10) / (20 * log(2))
    for(let i=2; i<nharm; i++) {
        if(i <= params.bp) {
            amps[i] = amps[i-1] * (i / (i-1)) ** s1_exponent;
        } else {
            amps[i] = amps[i-1] * (i / (i-1)) ** s2_exponent;
    // Apply the amplitude reduction to the even harmonics
    let factor = 10**(params.dl/20);
    for(let i=2; i<nharm; i+=2) {
        amps[i] *= factor;
    // Normalize the total RMS amplitude
    let sum_of_squares = amps.reduce((s,v) => s + v**2);
    amps = => v / Math.sqrt(sum_of_squares));
    return amps;

function wtable(amps, nsamp) {
    let wt = new Float32Array(nsamp);
    for(let i=1; i<amps.length; i++) {
        let phase = 0; //Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI;
        for(let k=0; k<nsamp; k++) {
            wt[k] += amps[i] * Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * i * k / nsamp + phase);
    return wt;

// Define a modified adsr envelope
const myAdsr = env.def(class extends envBase {
    constructor(options) {
        const duration = options.duration;
        const curve = options.curve;

            levels: [0, 0, 1, options.sustain, 0],
            times: [options.dly, options.attack, options.decay, options.release],
            duration: duration,
            curves: Array.isArray(curve) ? curve : [0, 0, curve, curve],
            releaseNode: 3
}, {
    dly: 0,
    attack: 0,
    decay: 0,
    duration: 0,
    sustain: 1,
    release: .5,
    curve: -2,
    name: 'myAdsr'

const dlyAdsr = env.def(
    class {
        constructor(options) {
            this.v = 0;

        duration(options) {
            return options.duration + options.dly + 3 * options.release;

        value(tick, options) {
            if(tick < options.dly) {
                return 0;
            if(tick < options.duration) {
                let a0 = clamp01(3 * ditty.dt / options.attack);
                this.v += a0 * (1 - this.v);
                return this.v;
            let a0 = clamp01(3 * ditty.dt / options.release);
            this.v += a0 * (0 - this.v);
            return this.v;
    { attack: 60e-3, release:0.5, dly: 0, duration: 1, name: 'dlyAdsr' }

const tsSynth = synth.def(class {
    constructor(o) {}
    process(n,e,t,o) {
        if(!this.initialized) {
            this.freq = my_midi_to_hz(o.note);
            let nsamp = Math.ceil(1 / (this.freq * ditty.dt));
            debug.log("nsamp", nsamp);
            let nharm = Math.floor(20000 / this.freq);
            let instr = instruments[input.instrument];
            let params = instr_to_params(instr, o.note);
            let amps = amplitudes(params, nharm);
            this.wt = wtable(amps, nsamp);
            this.pos = 0;
            this.dpos = ditty.dt * this.freq * nsamp;
            this.initialized = true;
        let N = this.wt.length;
        this.pos = (this.pos + this.dpos) % N;
        let k = ~~this.pos;
        let kf = this.pos - k;
        return lerp(this.wt[k], this.wt[(k+1)%N], kf) * e.value;
        //return this.pos / N;
        //return this.wt[k];
}, {env:dlyAdsr, amp:0.1});

//, {params: clarinet});

// ======================================================================================
// Play a score using this synth
// Adapted from my own ditty Rameau | Allemande
// ======================================================================================

// Adapted from "Allemande" by Jean-Philippe Rameau
// in Pièces de clavecin avec une méthode, RCT 2-4 (Rameau, Jean-Philippe)
const rh = ("'4 g ,5b>'3+d5>e>>g 3 g 3.V>a3 >b 4.>e 3+f ^4.+>>f 3e +^4.>d 3+c ,>b a >@g +f >4.g3 b '4e3 ,g >5+f3 b >4a3 '+d 4>.+d4 e,>b>>g "
+ "3 b 'v>c d 5>c4 ,>e >5+f3 'c, >^b a >2a 3Vb2 3>a >g a b 'c d ,b >>4.'e 2+f g >>4.@c 3,b >5+f@>a "
+ "3 'd >,a 'd ,b g b g >Va 'd ,4d3 'd ,>b >g >b >g >>Va >'d >,4d3 >'d >>,4.^b 3a 4.>+f>@a 3g >5.g>d>>,b");
const lh = ("5 ,e4 5b4 'e d @c ,b 5a'4>a g 5+f,4b '+c +d ,b '5e4 ,g Va b 5.e4. 3b '5e4 ,e "
+ "5a3 ,a b 'c ,5d4 'd ,5g '3g a b g '4c3 5g3 ,4b a3 '4+f3 ,4g3 'g 5d4 3,d e +f g a +f 5,g4 'g ^+f d ,5g4 'g ^+f d v5g4 c 5d4 ,d 5.g'>>>>>g");

ditty.bpm = 40;
const dly_ticks = 1/20;
const dur_to_duration = (dur, dot) => 2**(dur-5) * (1 + 0.5*dot); // Convert Musescore numbers to duration
const nn_to_pan = (nn) => clamp((nn - 64) / 40, -1, 1);

function playScore(score) {
    var alt = 0; // Accidentals: +1 for sharp, -1 for flat (entering a note resets the accidentals)
    var dur = 5; // Duration in Musescore numbers (5 is quarter note, lower is shorter)
    var dot = 0; // Does it have a dot? (changing duration resets the dot)
    var orn = 0; // Ornamentation: 'v' is "pincé" (semitone), 'V' is pincé (whole tone), '^' is trill (semitone), '@' is trill (whole tone)
    // (Sleeping resets the ornamentation)
    var dly = 0; // Delay the onset of the note : ">" is delayed, ">>" is more delayed, etc.
    // (Sleeping resets the delay)
    var octave = 4; // The score starts in octave 4. All notes entered are set in the current octave.
    // An octave shift is performed with "'" and ",".
    // Letters a-g play the notes, but do NOT sleep for the designated duration.
    // Space " " sleeps for the duration of the note (so "g " is one note followed by its duration, but "g  " is one note followed by a rest).
    // This allows a "hack" to make notes sustain longer than their rythmic value.
    // e.g. "5g4 b " plays two eighth notes, a G followed by a B, but sustains the G for the full duration of the beat.
    for(let char of score) {
        switch(char) {
            case "+":
                alt++; break;
            case "-":
                alt--; break;
            case ".":
                dot = 1 - dot; break;
            case "v": 
            case "V":
            case "^":
            case "@":
                orn = char; break;
            case ">":
                dly+=dly_ticks; break;
            case "'":
                octave++; break;
            case ",":
                octave--; break;
            case "2":
                dur = 2; dot = 0; break;
            case "3":
                dur = 3; dot = 0; break;
            case "4":
                dur = 4; dot = 0; break;
            case "5":
                dur = 5; dot = 0; break;
            case "a":
            case "b":
            case "c":
            case "d":
            case "e":
            case "f":
            case "g":
                // Play the note
                let nn = notes[char+octave] + alt;
                playNote(nn, dur_to_duration(dur, dot), orn, dly);
                alt = 0;
            case " ":
                sleep(dur_to_duration(dur, dot));
                orn = 0;
                dly = 0;

function playNote(nn, duration, orn, dly) {
    var gap = 0;
    if(orn) {
        switch(orn) {
            case "V":
                gap = -2; break;
            case "v":
                gap = -1; break;
            case "^":
                gap = 1; break;
            case "@":
                gap = 2; break;
        // Play note with trill/pincé
        var t = dly;
        var dt = 1/24 * (1 + 0.1*Math.random());
        var count = 0;,     {dly:t, duration: t+=2*dt, pan:nn_to_pan(nn)});, {dly:t, duration: t+=dt, pan:nn_to_pan(nn)});
        while(duration - t > 4*dt && ++count < 3) {
  ,     {dly:t, duration: t+=dt, pan:nn_to_pan(nn)});
  , {dly:t, duration: t+=dt, pan:nn_to_pan(nn)});
        },     {dly:t, duration: duration, pan:nn_to_pan(nn)});
    } else {
        // Simply play the note, {duration: duration, dly:dly + 0.01*Math.random(), pan:nn_to_pan(nn)});

////////////////////////////////// REVERB ////////////////////////////////////
class Delayline {
    constructor(n) {
        this.n = n;
        this.p = 0; = new Float32Array(n);
    current() {
        return[this.p]; // using lastOut results in 1 sample excess delay
    clock(input) {[this.p] = input;
        if(++this.p >= this.n) {
            this.p = 0;
const ISQRT2 = Math.sqrt(0.5);
const SQRT2 = Math.sqrt(2);
const SQRT8 = Math.sqrt(8);
const ISQRT8 = 1/SQRT8;
const fibodelays = [1410,1662,1872,1993,2049,2114,2280,2610]; // X^8 = X+1
//const fibodelays = [1467,1691,1932,2138,2286,2567,3141,3897]; // X^8 = X+2
const fiboshort = [465, 537, 617, 698, 742, 802, 963, 1215]; // X^8 = X+2
let meandelay = fibodelays[3] * ditty.dt;

const reverb = filter.def(class {
    constructor(options) {
        this.outgain = 0.3;
        this.dls = [];
        this.s0 = new Float32Array(8); // Lowpass filter memory
        for(let i=0; i<8; i++) {
            this.dls.push(new Delayline(fibodelays[i]));
            //this.dls.push(new Delayline(fiboshort[i]));
            this.s0[i] = 0;
        this.a0 = clamp01(2*Math.PI*options.cutoff*ditty.dt);
        this.dls_nr = []; // Non-recirculating delay lines
        for(let i=0; i<4; i++) {
            this.dls_nr.push(new Delayline(fiboshort[i*2]));
    process(input, options) {
        // First stage: non-recirculating delay lines
        let s0 = input[0], s1 = input[1];
        for(let i=0; i<4; i++) {
            let u0 = 0.6*s0 + 0.8*s1, u1 = 0.8*s0 - 0.6*s1;
            let u1p = this.dls_nr[i].current();
            s0 = u0;
            s1 = u1p;
        let v0 = (s0 + s1);
        let v1 = (s0 - s1);
        //let s0 = -0.6*input[0] + 0.8*input[1];
        //let s1 = 0.8*input[0] + 0.6*input[1];
        // Second stage: recirculating delay lines
        let rt60 = options.rt60;
        let loopgain = 10 ** (-3*meandelay / rt60) * ISQRT8;
        let higain = 10 ** (-3*meandelay / options.rtHi) * ISQRT8;
        let v = (dl) => dl.current());
        // Fast Walsh-Hadamard transform
        let w = [v[0]+v[4], v[1]+v[5], v[2]+v[6], v[3]+v[7],
                 v[0]-v[4], v[1]-v[5], v[2]-v[6], v[3]-v[7]];
        let x = [w[0]+w[2], w[1]+w[3], w[0]-w[2], w[1]-w[3],
                 w[4]+w[6], w[5]+w[7], w[4]-w[6], w[5]-w[7]];
        let y = [x[0]+x[1], x[0]-x[1], x[2]+x[3], x[2]-x[3],
                 x[4]+x[5], x[4]-x[5], x[6]+x[7], x[6]-x[7]];
        y[0] += v0;
        y[2] += v1;
        for(let i=0; i<8; i++) {
            let hipass = y[i] - this.s0[i];
            this.dls[i].clock(this.s0[i] * loopgain + hipass * higain); // Mix lowpass and hipass in different amounts
            this.s0[i] += this.a0 * hipass;
        return [lerp(input[0], v[0], options.mix),
                lerp(input[1], v[2], options.mix)];
}, {mix:0.8, rt60:2, cutoff:8000, rtHi:0.7});

loop( () => {
}, {name: "Right hand"}).connect(reverb.create());

loop( () => {
}, {name: "Left hand"}).connect(reverb.create());